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native pollinator plants

native pollinator plants

Small Grants at Work in the Community

Deschutes Soil and Water Conservation District (DSWCD) is thrilled to announce the successful completion of small grant funding for the 2021 – 2023 biennium. This funding is allocated from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board to be utilized by DSWCD and the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council with a project cap of $15,000. With an allocation

By |2024-07-19T22:32:05+00:00July 19th, 2024|Wildlife and Pollinators|0 Comments

Pollinator Pathways Projects

DSWCD partnered with Bend Pollinator Pathways (BPP), an organization focused on creating habitats for native pollinators at risk of decimation. Their main goal is to create “pathways” for these native pollinators using the adjacent lands of residents, businesses, parks, and open spaces in order to maintain their native range. Six projects were completed and for each,

By |2024-07-19T22:23:10+00:00July 19th, 2024|Wildlife and Pollinators|0 Comments
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