Water Quality & Quantity

The district assists landowners in conserving surface and ground waters. Through voluntary landowner cooperation and collaboration with natural resource partners, DSWCD strives to promote a variety of water quality goals. DSWCD also partners with irrigation districts, local organizations, state agencies, and landowners to assist with on-farm irrigation efficiency improvement projects. Implementation aims to improve the irrigation districts’ water conveyance systems, on-farm delivery and management, and flows in the Deschutes Basin.

Why is investing in water quality important?

The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) works with partners to develop agricultural water quality management plans and regulations to prevent and control water pollution from agricultural activities. These regulations (Area Rules), tailored for 38 water quality areas in Oregon, apply to agricultural lands regardless of size or use. They also apply to agricultural activities on forest land and within cities and urban growth boundaries.

Water quality goals can be reached by promoting voluntary cooperation among landowners and natural resource partners to address management concerns, and by ODA enforcing water quality regulations.

ODA is leading “Strategic Implementation” initiatives, where select areas around the state receive focused outreach and education to address priority water quality concerns. ODA and natural resource partners work together with agricultural landowners to concentrate technical and financial assistance as needed. They will enforce water quality regulations where problems persist.

Why does water quantity matter?

Climate change and population growth are putting a high demand on the water resources in Central Oregon. Now more than ever, we need to be efficient with our water to ensure we have enough to meet our agricultural, recreational, and wildlife needs.

All seven irrigation districts in Central Oregon are working with the Deschutes SWCD, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the Deschutes Basin Board of Control, Farmers Conservation Alliance (FCA), Deschutes River Conservancy, and other stakeholders to develop Watershed Plan-Environmental Assessments and implementation strategies that will improve the irrigation districts water conveyance systems, on-farm delivery and management, and improve flows in the Deschutes and Crooked River.

In addition to providing technical and financial assistance to landowners for irrigation improvements, the Deschutes SWCD also offers educational forums and workshops to further educate irrigators on the latest energy-saving technologies and management strategies to improve their irrigation system.

Why does water quantity matter?


Agrimet is a weather monitoring network providing real-time meteorological data such as temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture. It supports efficient water management and conservation efforts, helping farmers and land managers optimize irrigation and make sustainable decisions for agriculture and natural resource conservation.

Irrigation Scheduler Mobile App

Smart water management begins with two questions, when do I turn the water on and for how long? The answer lies with the Irrigation Scheduler Mobile App. This mobile app can help irrigators manage irrigation water which in turn improve yields.

Web Soil Survey

The Web Soil Survey, developed by the USDA NRCS, provides detailed soil information for any U.S. location. Users can access maps, reports, and soil properties to make informed decisions on land management, agriculture, construction, and environmental stewardship. It’s a free, easy-to-use resource for landowners.

Irrigation Water Management Resources

Click the links listed below for some resources to consider when considering irrigation management:

Watershed Restoration

The District provides support to local conservation organizations and landowners engaged in watershed restoration and conservation. Watershed Restoration Programs address degraded watershed functions and processes.

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