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John DesCamp 


Phone Number: 425-941-5031

Location: Tumalo

Acreage: 4 acres

Field Species Type: Grass, irrigated

Livestock compatible with the pasture:   Alpacas, Horses, Cattle, Goats

Fence Quality: Good

Irrigation System: Sprinkler

Cost to Lease (excluding bills): TBD

Who is expected to pay the
water/electric bills: 

Are you a producer: No 

Larry Green 


Phone Number: 541-419-1102

Location: Tumalo

Acreage: 2 1/2

Field Species Type: Pasture and orchard grass

What livestock are compatible with the pasture?: Donkeys/Mules, Sheep, Llamas, Alpacas, and Cattle.

Fence Quality: Great

Irrigation System: Sprinkler

Cost to lease excluding bills (please be specific about month, bimonthly, annual cost depending on which you prefer): Pasture lease from May 1 to October 31, or end of Swalley irrigation season, whichever comes first.

Who is expected to pay the water/electric bills? If the land seeker is involved, how much are they expected to pay?: Spring fertilizer and monthly water paid by land owner. Lease rate and terms negotiable;

Are you a producer?: NO

If yes, what do you produce?: 


May contain: field, grassland, nature, outdoors, countryside, farm, pasture, rural, ranch, meadow, animal, cattle, cow, livestock, mammal, and grazing
MacKenzie Aldrich 


Phone Number: 5413506210

Location: Tumalo

Acreage: 30

Field Species Type: Currently weeds, want to grow central oregon grass mix

What livestock are compatible with the pasture?: Donkeys/Mules, Sheep, Llamas, Alpacas, Goats, Cattle, and Horses.

Fence Quality: Good

Irrigation System: Sprinkler

Cost to lease excluding bills (please be specific about month, bimonthly, annual cost depending on which you prefer): Negotiable

Who is expected to pay the water/electric bills? If the land seeker is involved, how much are they expected to pay?: Negotiable

Are you a producer?: Yes

If yes, what do you produce?: Pack llamas

Comments: We have 30 acres of irrigated land 5 minutes north of Bend. We are currently working on getting the irrigation up and running and will need to plant grass seed asap. We are looking for a partner to lease land to and are open to inquiries.

Jeff Breit 


Phone Number: 5416330573

Location: Bend

Acreage: 9

Field Species Type: Mixed field and rock

What livestock are compatible with the pasture?: Alpacas, Goats, Cattle, Horse, Donkeys/Mules, and Llamas

Fence Quality: Okay

Irrigation System: Pivot

Cost to lease excluding bills (please be specific about month, bimonthly, annual cost depending on which you prefer):

Who is expected to pay the water/electric bills? If the land seeker is involved, how much are they expected to pay?: 100% of water acreage used

Are you a producer?: No

If yes, what do you produce?:

Comments: May provide additional photos upon request

May contain: soil, tree, plant, ground, fir, and abies


Colleen Faulkner 


Phone Number: 5414200000

Location: Bend

Acreage: three fenced 5+ acres irrigated pastures

Field Species Type: grass

What livestock are compatible with the pasture?: Horse and Sheep

Fence Quality: Great

Irrigation System: Sprinkler

Cost to lease excluding bills (please be specific about month, bimonthly, annual cost depending on which you prefer):

Who is expected to pay the water/electric bills? If the land seeker is involved, how much are they expected to pay?:

Are you a producer?: Yes

If yes, what do you produce?: Orchard Grass Hay

Comments: We would like animals that are not going to tear up our fields or damage irrigation risers. Cattle have been a problem in the past. Anyone renting our fields would need to be responsible for repairing any irrigation damage in a timely manner, as we would need to shut off system if a break occurs.

Suzanne Smither 


Phone Number: 5413061111

Location: Terrebonne/ Crooked River Ranch

Acreage: Probably 2 to 3 irrigated acres to lease

Field Species Type: Grass hay field

What livestock are compatible with the pasture?: Horse, Llamas, Alpacas, Cattle, and Sheep.

Fence Quality: Good

Irrigation System: Flood

Cost to lease excluding bills (please be specific about month, bimonthly, annual cost depending on which you prefer): Negotiable

Who is expected to pay the water/electric bills? If the land seeker is involved, how much are they expected to pay?: Owner

Are you a producer?: Yes

If yes, what do you produce?: Lavender, vegetables

Comments: Need to research what would be a fair lease rate, depending on type of animals involved. I used to have horses on this field in past.

Jane and Dave Tolve 


Phone Number: 15414192808

Location: Tumalo

Acreage: 2

Field Species Type: pasture grass

What livestock are compatible with the pasture?: Horsek, Donkeys/Mules, Sheep, Llamas, Alpacas, Goats, Cattle

Fence Quality: Great

Irrigation System: Sprinkler

Cost to lease excluding bills (please be specific about month, bimonthly, annual cost depending on which you prefer): going rate

Who is expected to pay the water/electric bills? If the land seeker is involved, how much are they expected to pay?: Owner

Are you a producer?: Yes

If yes, what do you produce?: pasture grass

Pasture Pictures:

May contain: nature, outdoors, ditch, creek, water, and stream

Comments: will take pictures

Ron Caramella 


Phone Number: 541-280-0583

Location: Redmond

Acreage: 7

Field Species Type: 3 acres COID w/ pond, pump, irripod lines. Mostly grass, half acre set up for vegetables and berries w/ drip systems. 4 acres dryland w/ some shade trees and out buildings.

What livestock are compatible with the pasture?:  Horse, Cattle, Goats, 
Llamas, Sheep, Alpacas

Fence Quality: Poor

Irrigation System: Sprinkler

Cost to lease excluding bills (please be specific about month, bimonthly, annual cost depending on which you prefer): going rate

Who is expected to pay the water/electric bills? If the land seeker is involved, how much are they expected to pay?: Landowner pays water, Renter pays electric

Are you a producer?: Yes

If yes, what do you produce?: Sqaush, Melons